This post is primarily meant for enterprises, who are overwhelmed with thousands of key pages and millions of search terms. For us, Enterprise SEO now is more about data analysts & Engineers than SEO analysts.The complexity is massive, and every decision is best expressed in some mathematical logic, instead of ad-hoc reasoning.

Collecting The Data

First stage, we collect the data – from various sources – a. search console, b. google and bing keyword planner, our c. SERP racker and so on. And then we dump all of this data into our marketing intelligence tool.

Why build such a fancy export of all this data, because it presents full story. This is why enterprises take pains of building a Data Warehouse. We have built our own search console connector and SERP rank tool.

The Problems You Can Solve With Marketing BI.

#1. Prioritise which pages to work on?
How about creating such a view, which enables you to identify pages that have stable visibility trend, and make interventions – like title and meta changes. On top of this, you can put other parameters like sum of cpc x impressions of all keywords.

Finding high opportunity pages for SEO

Finding high opportunity pages for SEO.

#2. Similarly, you can create a keyword level view, and get an idea about high opportunity keywords to work on.

Stable keywords = high opportunity keywords.

Keywords with less deviation are generally high opportunity keywords. 


Can’t you do this on Datastudio aka Lookerstudio? The problem is that, it’s slow. And blending SERP and keyword planner data can become nightmare for enterprises.
How about attacking a certain landing page? Here’s an excellent view that gives you an overview of top keywords. (However, I am bigger fan of clustering, and translating keywords into words).

Visualize top keywords for the landing page and get their statistics

Visualize top keywords for the landing page and get their statistics. 


Related :   Best Digital Marketing Tips For Online Marketing Success

Brand/Non brand filter is a common SEO ask. This too can be covered with minimal effort. For larger brands with different products, you can keep a master list. I’ve lost count of times when I’ve seen people doing v-lookup of columns with brand keyword.

Brand vs Non Brand Keywords

Capturing Data from Other Sources – like SERP

We use our SERP rank tracker to help identify top competitors of our clients. In metric, you can either put sum, weighted sum, sum(impressionsxcpc) or any custom logic to identify your top keywords. 

SERP competitor intelligence

You can use this data for SEO, including special features like structured snippet SEO.


At MintyGlow, we offer dashboarding out of the box. It enables us to deliver a higher value to our clients.

We are looking for more data analysts @ MintyGlow Bangalore, join us for working on challenging terabyte level problems. If you are an enterprise, looking for an SEO agency, contact us for a free consultation.