A SWOT analysis is an effective tool that helps you develop a strategic plan or roadmap for your business. This framework provides you with insightful details on how you can utilize your strengths, improve your weaknesses, identify opportunities, and navigate through threats. So, let’s understand this concept and learn how to write SWOT analysis.

What does SWOT stand for?

SWOT is an acronym that stands for:

  • S: Strengths
  • W: Weaknesses 
  • O: Opportunities
  • T: Threats

When the elements of SWOT analysis are combined, you can get a detailed understanding of various facets that directly and indirectly impact your business. 

What is SWOT Analysis?

SWOT analysis is a strategic planning technique that helps you determine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of your business. You can apply the SWOT matrix to your entire company, a single department, or even an individual project. 

A SWOT analysis is used at the organizational level to identify how closely a business is aligned with its goals and objectives. You can also use it for creating a marketing positioning strategy when undertaking a new project or initiative. You can also use it for specific campaigns or channels, like an online ad campaign. By doing so, you can identify how to improve the campaign, eliminate any weaknesses, and utilize the opportunities correctly so that it reaches the target audience.

This framework is used by small to large organizations, and you can even use it for personal purposes as well. It is usually presented in a grid-like matrix with four distinct quadrants with each element representing one quadrant. This format provides several benefits where you can internal and external elements and make strategic decisions based on them.

Therefore, by using this framework you can improve and maximize opportunities. Simultaneously, you can determine your weaknesses as well as identify the negative factors that might hinder your success. It helps your team and business while staying ahead of the market trends. 

Importance of SWOT Analysis

A SWOT analysis helps in improving your business process and plan for growth. Here are some of the reasons why you should perform a SWOT analysis:

  • Comprehensive View of Your Business

One of the biggest advantages of doing a SWOT analysis is that you get an in-depth understanding of your business and how it operates. You can take a broader look at your business and the position it occupies in the industry. 

  • Define Your Variables

With the aid of SWOT analysis, you can create a plan of action first rather than diving head first into execution. This analysis helps you leverage your strengths and opportunities while addressing and mitigating the impact of weaknesses and threats. From this assessment, you can understand the current situation of your business and develop a strategic roadmap. This will help you utilize your resources to the fullest and set realistic goals to achieve them. 

  • Harness Your Strengths

An integral aspect of SWOT analysis is it helps you identify the areas where you are doing well. This can tell the company that they should carry on with the specific factors and further nurture those areas to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty rates. 

  • Find Scope for Improvement

Finding your business weaknesses and threats can aid in developing a better strategy. You can learn from your mistakes, identify what your competitors are doing better, or understand how you can better utilize your resources. Based on the identified areas that you can improve, you can create a strong action plan and build on your company’s strengths.

  • Identify Areas of Opportunities

The SWOT framework helps you determine your areas for growth. It can be a great starting point for your business or teams to understand how they can start utilizing the opportunities that would benefit them. Opportunities come from different areas; they can be internal as well as external. You need to identify the factors that could help you gain a competitive advantage and ensure steady growth.

  • Focus on Areas that Could be at Risk

It’s always important to list down the risks that can become a cause for concern for your business. With the help of the SWOT matrix, you can find the areas that pose a risk and develop contingency plans to tackle them. 

Different Parts of the SWOT framework

When you conduct a SWOT analysis, you can develop effective strategies, unlock valuable insights, and make informed decisions. So, let’s take a look at each of these elements individually: 


SWOT strength refers to the internal capabilities and unique advantages that give your company a competitive advantage in the market. So, the strengths are the areas that are already performing well for your business. By identifying your strengths, you can capitalize on them to build a solid foundation for business growth and foster customer loyalty.

You can ask the following SWOT analysis strength questions when determining the strengths of your organization:

  • What does your company do well or better?
  • What are the qualities that separate them from competitors?
  • What does the target audience like about your business?
  • What is your unique selling proposition?
  • Which internal resources do you have that your competitors don’t (like skilled staff, strong leadership, etc)?
  • What unique tangible assets do you have (like intellectual property, capital, proprietary technology, etc)?
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Therefore, this element addresses the different factors that your company excels in. It can be something intangible like your brand’s attributes or tangible factors like your human resources. 

SWOT strength examples include having a top-tier customer service with a Net Promoter Score (NPS) of 90 as compared to your competitors which is 60 or having original content on your content platform.


SWOT weakness focuses on the internal factors that are underperforming in your business. It’s important to identify the strengths before moving on to the weaknesses factors as it helps in creating a baseline for success. 

You need to understand that every business has some weakness or the other. These are areas where you may face challenges or fall short of your potential. So, start by finding the internal weaknesses of your business or project based on which you can plan for improvement. You can identify a company’s weaknesses by asking:

  • What aspects of your business are underperforming and why?
  • What can you improve?
  • What resources can you utilize to improve the performance?
  • Are there any limitations to your resources?
  • What things can your competitors do better than you?
  • What problems or complaints are often mentioned in your negative reviews?
  • Do you have unclear unique selling propositions?
  • What resources do your competitors have that you do not?

These elements help in understanding what factors are holding back your business or project. It can include organizational challenges, financial limitations, or a shortage of expert professionals. It can also include weaknesses in relation to other companies in your industry. 

SWOT analysis weaknesses examples can include a lack of marketing budget for conducting paid ad campaigns, resulting in lower audience reach or price hike in your content platform leading to dissatisfaction among your customers. 


SWOT opportunities result from your existing strengths and weaknesses. You can also identify opportunities from external initiatives that can provide you with an edge with respect to your competitors. You can identify your opportunities from emerging markets, changes in consumer behavior, technological advancements, or gaps in the market that your company can bridge. 

You can identify opportunities for improvement depending on your company’s internal and external factors. Seizing up these opportunities can aid you to expand your market reach and diversify your products or services. It can also lead to you forging strategic partnerships and venturing into untapped territories. Since there are numerous ways to come up with opportunities, you can consider the following questions to get started:

  • What are your business goals for the year?
  • Are there market gaps in your services?
  • What are the underserved markets for specific products?
  • What are the emerging needs for your products or services?
  • What resources can you use to improve weaknesses?
  • What do your competitors offer?
  • Is there scope to improve the press/media coverage of your company?

Therefore, you can find opportunity in SWOT analysis and use them to grow as a company, improve sales, or meet any specific business objectives. 

Opportunity examples in SWOT analysis include improving visibility by running ad campaigns on social media platforms like Facebook and YouTube or identifying the scope of launching new products for your target audience. 


SWOT threats are areas that have the probability to create problems. Do not confuse weaknesses with threats since the latter are external factors and typically out of your control. Threats are everything that poses a risk to either your business or its likelihood of success or growth. From increased competition to economic volatility, or even changing market trends can be considered examples of threats in SWOT analysis. Here are some effective questions that you can ask to identify the threats for your business:

  • What changes in the industry are a cause of concern for your business?
  • Who are your emerging competitors?
  • How are your competitors outperforming you?
  • What new market trends can impact your business?
  • What is the changing regulatory environment?
  • Is the attitude of your customers changing towards your company?
  • Are you facing negative press/media coverage?

The threat elements can include a variety of factors that can directly or indirectly impact your business. You need to proactive assess and identify these problems and develop contingency plans to counteract them. Develop practical strategies and have them ready in place in order to minimize their impact on your business. 

Threat examples can include your brick-and-mortar store getting affected by the pandemic or more competitors entering your sector. An effective strategy is to leverage the digital platform to ensure your business stays relevant. For an increase in competition, you can introduce new products or change the pricing strategy can prove to be effective. 

SWOT Template

The SWOT matrix can be presented in the form of a SWOT analysis chart or a SWOT analysis diagram. Let’s take a SWOT analysis of a company example: A brick-and-mortar retail company that sells clothes

  • High-quality clothes
  • Minimal local competition
  • Trust from customers and neighbors
  • Affordable pricing
  • No online ordering
  • Poor social media presence
  • Dated styles and accessories
  • Marketing on social media
  • Online store can aid in boosting revenue
  • A new location can increase foot traffic
  • Poor online reviews
  • Online competitors
  • Can loose foot traffic due to dated fashion
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According to the SWOT analysis of this retail company, you can focus on the strengths and work towards eliminating the weakness. You can introduce new styles of clothing, increase your social media presence to create more brand awareness, and also build an online store. 

Moreover, have contingencies in place to tackle the threats by taking in the feedback and implementing SWOT analysis marketing strategies to ensure business growth and sales. You can use an editable SWOT analysis template or simply create a four-quadrant matrix, to begin your analysis process. 

SWOT Analysis Internal and External Factors

A SWOT analysis includes internal factors that are within your organization and external factors that are outside your organization. In many cases, companies further compartmentalize these elements into two specific subgroups:

Internal Factors

Internal strengths and weaknesses fall under the same category. These factors result from decisions made by your company or team. For example, you can consider a robust employee training program as a strength as it helps all employees to understand how they can comply with the regulations and utilize their potential. On the other hand, lack of diversification can be a weakness. 

The critical aspect of the internal factors is that you have control over it. You can work towards enhancing the strengths of your company and addressing the weaknesses through internal strategies. 

External Factors

External factors like market trends or regulatory changes are deemed as opportunities or threats in a SWOT analysis. However, the key differences are in the degree of control your business has over them. 

While you can position your company to capitalize on the opportunities or mitigate the threats, you have less or direct influence when compared to the internal factors. This distinction is why some experts refer to SWOT analysis as Internal-External Analysis or IE matrix. 

Here is how you can utilize the IE matrix: 


(external, positive)


(external, negative)


(internal, positive)

Strength-Opportunity strategies: 

Which of the company’s strengths can be used to maximize the opportunities you identified?

Strength-Threats strategies: 

How can you use the company’s strengths to mitigate or minimize the threats you identified?


(internal, negative)

Weaknesses-Opportunity strategies: 

What actions can you take to reduce the company’s weaknesses using the opportunities you identified?

Weaknesses-Threats strategies: 

How can you minimize the company’s weaknesses to avoid the threats you identified?

Although subdividing the primary SWOT elements into internal and external factors isn’t imperative for a successful analysis, it does offer in-depth insights. This categorization helps in assessing the extent of the control you possess over a particular issue which helps in strategic decision-making. 

How to Do SWOT Analysis with Examples

Conducting a SWOT analysis opens the door to various methodologies, from collaborative brainstorming sessions to using the SWOT matrix. Choosing the right approach enables you to successfully exchange ideas and foster creativity, leading to the development of innovative solutions. So, here are some practical tips that you can follow to perform a SWOT analysis:

  • Consider Internal Factors

Unveiling strengths and weaknesses often involves delving into the internal processes, where control is more tangible. Addressing the internal factors can be achieved through strategic planning where you can collaborate with department stakeholders to create a business plan tailored to enhance existing processes. 

You can research and iterate new project management tools to streamline operations or take swift actions on issues with a turnaround time of 24 hours or less. You can delegate tasks with clear deadlines if capacity is a constraint. Therefore, solving internal challenges may require a combination of all the strategies mentioned or more. It depends on the complexity of the issue and which problem-management approach you take. 

  • Evaluate External Factors

External factors stem from processes beyond your immediate control. These include your competitors, external influences, or market trends. While direct control over these factors may be limited, you can navigate your processes to mitigate negative external impacts.

For instance, you can anticipate and forecast market trends to proactive address potential challenges or compete strategically with emerging trends. Enhance adaptability to improve your response time when dealing with external changes. You can also employ reporting tools to monitor competitors and receive real-time updates on industry shifts. 

Though you may not control the external environment, your organization’s proactive response can significantly influence the outcomes. For example, if your competitor introduces a superior product, you can consider launching an even more compelling product or conduct a marketing campaign to counter any decline in sales.

  • Conduct Brainstorming Sessions

To stimulate creativity and inspire actions through brainstorming, invite members from different departments to ensure adequate representation of all facts of the company. You can maintain a balanced number of participants and utilize numerous brainstorming techniques catering to different work styles. Set a clear intention for the session to guide the discussion process and you can get a variety of solutions or approaches that you can take for your business or projects. 

  • Unleash Creativity

Generating creative ideas requires a conductive atmosphere. Employ diverse techniques such as randomly selecting anonymous ideas, discussing internally flawed examples, or conducting team-building games to energize and engage the team. This can help them in coming up with unique solutions that can help in solving business problems and reaching business goals.

  • Prioritize Opportunities
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Ranking opportunities is crucial. Engage in a team discussion or involve key stakeholders to assess and rank ideas on a scale of one to ten. Once consensus is reached based on the team’s capabilities and overall impact, the implementation process becomes more straightforward. You can prioritize the opportunities and work towards them to benefit your business.

  • Implement Action

Completing the SWOT analysis marks the beginning, not the end. Transform the prioritized opportunities into strengths using structured systems like business cases, project plans, or implementation plans. This ensures a clear roadmap for execution and maximizes the potential for success. 

When Should You Use and Not Use SWOT Analysis?

You won’t always need an in-depth SWOT analysis. Its utility shines brightest in specific contexts, making it a go-to tool for diverse situations, scenarios, or comprehensive evaluations of your business. A SWOT analysis proves most valuable:

  • Before implementing significant changes in a business
  • Upon launching new company initiatives
  • When identifying growth and improvement
  • For a holistic overview of business performance 
  • When diverse perspectives on business performance are needed 

Knowing when a SWOT analysis might not be necessary is also integral. You won’t require a SWOT analysis:

  • If you have stable and unchanging business environments
  • Have urgent decision-making situations
  • Need small-scale changes
  • Have to focus on highly specialized or niche scenarios
  • Require a focused market analysis
  • When evaluating performance monitoring environments

Therefore, understanding when to use and not to use this tool can help you successfully allocate your resources and implement steps that benefit your business.

What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of SWOT Analysis?

While SWOT analysis stands out as an effective tool for strategic planning for both businesses and individuals, it does come with its set of limitations. Here’s an overview of its strengths and weaknesses:


  • Easy to Use

The straightforward nature of SWOT analysis makes it a favored tool for many. Its simplicity removes the complexity of strategic planning, allowing individuals and businesses to critically assess their situations without feeling overwhelmed. 

For example, a local coffee shop exploring expansion opportunities can use SWOT analysis to easily grasp its current status. They can understand its strengths being a local brand, weaknesses such as limited online presence, opportunities in the growing demand for specialty coffee, and threats from new coffee chains entering the area. 

  • Versatile

The versatility of the SWOT framework enables its application across different domains. Whether it is business planning for the future or an individual mapping of career paths, this analysis is adaptable. 

For instance, a non-profit organization addressing societal challenges can use SWOT analysis to assess its impact. Their strengths may include a dedicated volunteer base, weaknesses could be limited funding sources, opportunities may lie in collaborative partnerships, and threats might include shifts in the public interest. 

  • Provides Meaningful Analysis

The SWOT framework excels in identifying external factors that could impact the performance of a business. It prompts them to look beyond the present and anticipate potential future scenarios.

Consider a manufacturing industry using the SWOT matrix to pinpoint opportunities in sustainable practices and threats from changes in government regulations. By doing so, the company can strategize on adopting eco-friendly manufacturing processes to align with market trends and proactively address regulatory challenges. 


  • Lack of Prioritization

While SWOT analysis effectively outlines issues, it falls short when it comes to prioritizing them. Organizations may find it challenging to discern which elements require immediate attention and allocation of resources. 

For example, an educational institution identifying numerous opportunities to enhance its curriculum may struggle to prioritize these initiatives. Without a systematic approach to rank these opportunities, the resources might be dispersed inefficiently, leading to suboptimal outcomes and diluted efforts. 

  • Subjectivity Bias

The inherent subjectivity of SWOT analysis can introduce biases into the assessment. This analysis heavily relies on individual perception which creates the potential for overlooking crucial data or misinterpretation of information, resulting in distortive conclusions. 

For instance, a technology company might underestimate the impact of emerging technologies due to an innovation bias within the management. This subjective viewpoint could lead to a lack of strategic planning for upcoming technological shifts, thereby negatively impacting the company’s competitiveness.

  • Static Form of Analysis

SWOT analysis provides a snapshot of a specific moment or the current situation of your business. It may overlook the dynamic nature of challenges and opportunities, potentially resulting in outdated strategies.

Consider a fashion retailer conducting SWOT and choosing to emphasize traditional brick-and-mortar stores, neglecting the escalating trend of online retail stores. As e-commerce continues to evolve, the static analysis might steer investments towards physical stores, missing out on the thriving e-commerce market. 


Thus, SWOT analysis helps you in identifying the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for your business. Understand how the framework works with the aid of SWOT analysis examples highlighted in this blog. Utilize the effective SWOT analysis questions to identify how each of the elements impacts your business and create strategies along with an action plan to elevate your business performance.